Compared with Feldmans argument, the tale of "The Ring of Gyges" is best described as a. Which central idea of the passage is established in this excerpt? This was different. "You guys are al Qaeda," the soldier said. This means it is a single system (or store) without any subsystems. With no one able to monitor his behavior, Gyges proceeded to do woeful thingsseduce the queen, murder the king, and so on. She has not had to go through this confusion with the other two Indian children. I do the safe thing, relaxing every muscle in my face, emptying out all expression. His efforts to heal render him earnest and genuine. Which type of evidence is Schlosser using in this excerpt? If education is so important to American society, then why is funding for American public schools so pathetic? . Fronted by a lush lawn and palm trees, the Union Passenger Terminal had opened in 1954, an art deco-style building once aspiring to grandness but since overtaken by a certain grey municipal malaise. ", She bends down so that her face is level with his, and extends a hand to his shoulder. Although it does not seem like one vote can make a difference, every eligible person should vote. Stressful fall and winter holidays generally cause payment rates to drop. The low-cheating holidays represent little more than an extra day off from work. Question 2. What is a Conclusion? Which element of structure most contributes to the postmodern quality of this excerpt? to motorizeor whateverhis huge piano Maybe it needed to be cleaned? Which choice best states a conflict revealed in this excerpt? He and Kathy worried about the reach of the Department of Homeland Security, its willingness to contact anyone born in or with a connection to the Middle East. this crowd with his cumbersome drums. Rsums and LinkedIn profiles may get the lions share of attention, but a good cover letter can go a long way toward impressing hiring decision-makers. Its just that everything was incredibly far away from me. He had lived and died in an intolerable bitterness of spirit and it frightened me, as we drove him to the graveyard through those unquiet, ruined streets, to see how powerful and overflowing this bitterness could be and to realize that this bitterness now was mine. Zeitoun is confronting the reality of racism. Which revision exhibits the best word choice for the underlined portion of the sentence? What was a pretty blue vase doing way up there? In fact, I would say "Well become specialized," he said, "like a typewriter shop. The way the principal pronounces his new name is different from the way his parents say it, the second part of it longer, sounding like "heel. It is true that Edward Said was not the first to write on and criticize Western Orientalilsm, as he himself admits in his article "Orient a. the majority of people are corrupt b. the majority of people are honest c. glaucon and paul feldman were wrong d. socrates and adam smith were wrong A. question. and can impose its own rules about pace, output, quality, and technique," the sociologist Robin Leidner has noted, "[it] makes workers increasingly interchangeable.". An exponent of Augustan literature, Pope is best known for his satirical and discursive poetry including The Rape of the Lock, The Dunciad, and An Essay on Criticism, and for his The majority of people are corrupt. Where would be the most appropriate place in the essay for this sentence? The reason? None of them had ever done something like that, none had achieved on his level. "You didnt look at it," Zeitoun protested. the example in the excerpt helps the authors arrive. Invoke multiple senses. blockbuster store still open near haarlem. I have an intricate history. "Im not sure I follow you, Mr. Ganguli. But Paul Feldman sides with Socrates and Adam Smithfor he knows the answer, at least 87 percent of the time, is yes. . Inside the classroom its a small universe of nicknamesAndrew is Andy, Alexandra Sandy, William Billy, Elizabeth Lizzy. The low-cheating holidays represent little more than an extra day off from work. So what do the bagel data have to say? It was an honor-system commerce scheme, and it worked. It comes from Platos Republic. This is an intriguing statistic: the same people who routinely steal more than 10 percent of his bagels almost never stoop to stealing his money boxa tribute to the nuanced social calculus of theft. I started inventing things, and then I couldnt stop, like beavers. How Orientalism Was Received. Kathy liked to act exasperated, but Zeitouns romantic side was central to why she loved him. I believe I appear neutral, maybe even pleasant, though Ive been coached to err on the side of neutrality and not attempt what would feel to me like a pleasant expression or smile. "Well, if people like me are a dying breed, then whats going to happen to your business?" The parts of the cloud that are closer to the black hole will orbit faster than the parts that are farther away. One of the best ways t Armand Gamache was the moving man, the ferryman, who took him there. What they uncover deep in the forest sets off a sequence of events that leads to murder, leads to an old crime Socrates and Adam Smith were wrong. Had he come from a fancy party the night before he died? The Zeitouns were proud, and there was plenty of sibling rivalry that had pushed them all to an array of achievementsall of them measured against the deeds of Mohammed. In the beginning, Feldman left behind an open basket for the cash, but too often the money vanished. B.) but swinging doesn't bend them down to stay". dinner is at 6: 30. at 7: 00, she turns on the tv to watch the national news. The soldiers around him stood closer, barking admonitions and threats back at him. One survey by ResumeLab found that 83% of respondents claimed that a great cover letter can land an interview even if your rsum isnt good enough. The difference in the two sets of holidays? language arts. Thats how my brain was. Answer: 1 on a question The example in the excerpt the authors arrive at which of the following conclusions? It comes from Platos Republic. Zoos must improve conditions so that they can meet the health and safety needs of the animals. Which statement best explains how Lahiri explores conflict brought on by globalization? And surely the little aviarian figure at right is Athletics, then, because the facial creases of the shaggy middle Dean are now pursed in a kind of distanced affront, an Im-eating-something-that-makes-me-really-appreciate-the-presence-of-whatever-Im-drinking-along-with-it look that spells professionally Academic reservations. I am not just a boy who plays tennis. In the foyer, one officer was frisking Ronnie. The definition of crime is subjective and depends on who commits the crime and what type is committed. There is a new silence. Excerpt 1: He is afraid to be Nikhil, someone he doesnt know. Glaucons story posed a moral question: could any man resist the temptation of evil if he knew his acts could not be witnessed? Which of the following best describes the type of the reasoning the excerpt uses? Which revision offers the most improvement in sentence fluency? with his most unwieldy bass In the margin, explain why this imagery is an example of dramatic irony He and James passed the same groups, waiting patiently, on the way to their job sites and on their way back. "When management determines exactly how every task is to be done . Examples of 'excerpt' in a sentence excerpt These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. "What are you doing?" Dont think I havent. Which statement best describes the conflict revealed in this excerpt? AB. Feldman has also reached some of his own conclusions about honesty, based more on his experience than the data. With no one able to monitor his behavior, Gyges proceeded to do woeful thingsseduce the queen, murder the king, and so on. Shes sixteen, bright-eyed and olive-skinned, pretty and petite, ready for another day of work. No one knew where to start or when. Another leak opened in Safiya and Aishas room. We welcome feedback: report an example sentence to the Collins team. which type of words determine the relationship between ideas and how a text is organized? For example, one of my favorite excerpts from my memoir is, "the bully never remembers, the outcast never forgets." It was one line somewhere in the middle of the book that when excerpted, generated so much word of mouth, it became its own moniker. Read the excerpt from Billy Collinss "Man Listening to Disc.". Which idea from the excerpt best addresses the counterclaim that people are only honest when there is a financial incentive? Experiences and feelings. with his hair blown sideways, The same office worker who fails to pay for his bagel might also help himself to a long slurp of soda while filling a glass in a self-serve restaurant, but he is very unlikely to leave the restaurant without paying. It brought forth a vague memory of a storm on Arwad Island, when he was just a boy, when the Mediterranean rose up and swallowed the lower-sitting homes, the blue-green sea sitting inside living rooms and bedrooms and kitchens. There is a tale, "The Ring of Gyges," that Feldman sometimes tells his economist friends. Why does the author include the details of Zeitouns morning? Based on the excerpt, the conclusion that "personal mood seems to affect honesty" is best supported by which of the following statements? "Thats so awesome." There was a lot of stuff that made me panicky, like suspension bridges, germs, airplanes, fireworksA lot of the time Id get that feeling like I was in the middle of a huge black ocean, or in deep space, but not in the fascinating way. The majority of people are honest. An old one. RL.9-10.6 Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of the only true point of view, Glaucon seemed to think the answer was no. Based on this excerpt, what can be inferred about the narrator? And so he hoped, as silly as it seemed, that his siblings might see him like this. Did they steal from him? Zeitoun went down to the garage and retrieved a forty-gallon garbage can to catch the water. Unlike Olympic gymnasticsan activity in which teenagers consistently perform at a higher level than adultstheres nothing about the work in a fast food kitchen that requires young employees. Most embezzlers lead quiet and theoretically happy lives; employees who steal company property are rarely detected. How could she deny him a used canoe? The man took the ID and gave it back to Zeitoun without looking at it. ", The beginnings of these two pieces are similar because they both. The Yuma 14's documents, like all of the death reports at the consulate, were tucked into accordion folders, cheap manila packets available in any Target or Kmart. This outcome may surprise some peopleincluding Feldmans economist friends, who counseled him twenty years ago that his honor-system scheme would never work. the rest of her day also follows a formula. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes, but I couldnt sleep, not after hours, and it made my boots lighter to be around his things, and to touch stuff that he had touched, and to make the hangers hang a little straighter, even though I knew it didnt matter. is surpassed only by my gratitude, to Tommy Potter for taking the time providing statistical evidence. Which is the best example of a thesis statement for an argumentative essay about zoos and animal welfare? As he did, he watched the water erase the floor and climb the walls. There were the occasional looks askance, of course, sneers from people upon hearing his accent. Read the stanza from "Man Listening to Disc.". for figuring out a way It called to him, floating and ready. who is somehow managing to navigate. As he did his morning prayers, a helicopter broke the silence, shooting across the treetops and heading downtown. this whole battery-powered crew, The quiet was profound. Elisas mother usually drives her the half-mile or so to the restaurant, but sometimes Elisa walks, leaving home before the sun rises. Many of the children go by nicknames here. For the rest of the day, they sit at a communal round table, drinking punch and eating cookies, taking naps on little orange cushions on the floor. His parents tell him that they each have two names, too, as do all their Bengali friends in America, and all their relatives in Calcutta. So I asked again. a contrast between different types of crime. He told of a shepherd named Gyges who stumbled upon a secret cavern with a corpse inside that wore a ring. If you were made of rubber then you would just stretch in response. Uncle Charles strokes the forearm above his watch. Which phrase or sentence is the best example of unusual language? He is uncomfortable with the interview process. Just a bit of a lets call it maybe a facial tic, slightly, at all the adrenaline of being here on your impressive campus, justifying his seed so far without dropping a set, receiving that official written offer of not only waivers but a living allowance from Coach White here, on Pac 10 letterhead, being ready in all probability to sign a National Letter of Intent right here and now this very day, hes indicated to me. C.T. At Burger King restaurants, frozen hamburger patties are placed on a conveyer belt and emerge from a broiler ninety seconds later fully cooked. that the real center of the universe. Zeitouns heart was thrumming. "Who are you working with?" And I bow deeply to Thelonious Monk It would be one thing if his parents were to call him Nikhil, too. Zeitoun gathered the shards and stuffed the opening with a pillow. He also believes that employees further up the corporate ladder cheat more than those down below. His literary references render him mature for his age. he asks his parents, tears springing to his eyes. Glaucons story posed a moral question: could any man resist the temptation of evil if he knew his acts could not be witnessed? Moments later, another passing soldier looked at Zeitoun and muttered "Taliban." von | Jun 17, 2022 | tornadoes of 1965 | | Jun 17, 2022 | tornadoes of 1965 | In order to prove that Gogol knows English, Ashoke does something he has never done before, and addresses his son in careful, accented English. What is an Excerpt? This excerpt uses first-personthe reader is led through the story by a character who is in the story and uses the pronouns \I\ or \me.\ Three faces have resolved into place above summer-weight sportcoats and half-Windsors across a polished pine conference table shiny with the spidered light of an Arizona noon. I wear out spines and ROM-drives. He could only think of Judgment Day, of Noah and forty days of rain. Whatever the subject of your writing or the type of writing you intend to compose,. He told of a shepherd named Gyges who stumbled upon a secret cavern with a corpse inside that wore a ring. In a bigger office, a bigger crowd is bound to convene around the bagel table, providing more witnesses to make sure you drop your money in the box. There is a tale, "The Ring of Gyges," that Feldman sometimes tells his economist friends. "It is very common for a child to be confused at first. In both pieces the narrators are carefree and in no apparent hurry. Analyzing the work will help you focus on how and why the author makes certain . He set out alone for a while and before long, at the corner of Canal and Scott, he encountered a small boat. He has come to believe that morale is a big factorthat an office is more honest when the employees like their boss and their work. How does the author best support this claim? You can get your paper edited to read like this. Menu I believe I appear neutral, maybe even pleasant, though Ive been coached to err on the side of neutrality and not attempt what would feel to me like a pleasant expression or smile. What conclusion can readers draw about this character vs. society conflict? I couldnt sleep, not after hours, and it made my boots lighter to be around his things, and to touch stuff that he had touched, and to make the hangers hang a little straighter, even though I knew it didnt matter. ", Gogol looks down at his sneakers. He could not have heard right. why is the funding for American public schools so inadequate? The song opens with the sound of helicopter blades in the very beginning. The author of Fast Food Nation claims that the fast-food industry prefers to employ teenagers. The majority of people are honest. Later research by the American physicist John A. Wheeler, and others, helped to formulate a vocabulary as well as the mathematical tools to describe and predict what a black hole will do to its surroundings. Which statement best describes how the author conveys the message that humans are no match for the power of a black hole? Word choice in an argumentative essay should be. Unlock the answer question Mr. Shiftlet was so shocked that for about a hundred feet he drove along slowly with the door stiff open. So by measuring the money collected against the bagels taken, he found it possible to tell, down to the penny, just how honest his customers were. Proofreading is about ironing out grammar and spelling mistakes, as well as checking punctuation. Within a few years, Feldman was delivering 8,400 bagels a week to 140 companies and earning as much as he had ever made as a research analyst. There is far less street crime per capita in rural areas than in cities, in large part because a rural criminal is more likely to be known (and therefore caught). The excerpt is an example of inductive reasoning because the authors. His tuxedo was over the chair he used to sit on when he tied his shoes, and I thought, Weird. A student named Glaucon offered the story in response to a lesson by Socrateswho, like Adam Smith, Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 30 May 1744) was an English poet, translator, and satirist of the Enlightenment era who is considered one of the most prominent English poets of the early 18th century. that his mothers activities suggest an end to her grief. He had thrown off the shackles of cubicle life and made himself happy. The example in the excerpt helps the authors arrive at which of the following conclusions? What about the parents preference? Small communities have more incentives against crime. The evidence presented here supports the authors claim that fast food restaurants are like factories because the excerpt.
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